Updated : May 6, 2016
Yuji Nagasaka
Department of System Design Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University

Address :
3-14-1 , Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama , 223-8522 Japan

E-mail :

Date and Place of Birth :
January 3, 1955 Tokyo Japan

B.S. Keio University , Mechanical Engineering (1977)
M.S. Keio University , Mechanical Engineering (1979)
Ph.D. Keio University , Mechanical Engineering (1983)
Title of Ph.D. Theses, "Precise Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Electrically Conducting Liquids by the Transient Hot-Wire Method"

Positions at Keio University
1979  :  Instructor
1986  :  Assistant Professor
1992  :  Associate Professor
1998  :  Professor

Positions at Other Institutions and Organizations
1981-1982  :  Research Associate, Brown University , USA
1995  :  Part-time Assistant Professor, Hokkaido University
1998  :  Part-time Assistant Professor, Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University
1999  :  Part-time Assistant Professor, Nagoya University
2000  :  Part-time Assistant Professor, Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University
2002  :  Part-time Assistant Professor, Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University
2002 - 2006  :  Adjunct Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong University , China
2004, 2006  :  Part-time Assistant Professor, Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University

Scientific Awards
1989  :  Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Medal for the Research Encouragement
1990  :  Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Medal for the Best Papers
1994  :  Heat Transfer Society Awards of Japan for Scientific Contributions
2003  :  Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Certificate of Merit for Thermal Engineering Contribution
2004  :  Fellow of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2004  :  Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Thermal Engineering Achievement Award
2005  :  Heat Transfer Society Awards of Japan for the Best Paper (The 42nd National Heat Transfer Society of Japan (Sendai)
2007  :  Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Medal for the Best Papers
2007  :  Best Paper Award of the Japan Society Thermophysical Properties
2009  :  Best Paper Award of the Society for Chemical Engineers Japan 2008
2010  :  Significant Contribution Award, 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference
2011  :  Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Medal for the Best Papers
2014  :  Outstanding Achievement Award of the Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties
2015  :  Komo Industrial Achievement Award of Tanikawa Thermal Technology Achievement Fund

Service to Government or Professional Organizations
1991 - 2000  :  Member of IUPAC Subcommittee on Transport Properties of Commission I.2 Thermodynamics
2000 -  :  Advisory editorial board, High Temperatures-High Pressures thermophysical properties research
2006 - 2014 :  Member of Science Council of Japan
2008 - 2010 :  Vice President of the Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties
2012 - 2014 :  Senior Program Officer of Research Center for Science Systems, Japan Society for Promotion of Science
2013 :  President of the Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties
2016 :  Vice President of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan

Representative Publications
A. Books and Book Chapters
10. "Nano/Microscale Thermophysical Properties Handbook", ed. Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties, Yokendo, Tokyo, (2014).
9. "Transport Properties of Fluids: Advances in Transport Properties - Experimental Thermodynamics IX", eds. M. J. Assael, A. R. H. Goodwin, V. Vesovic and Sir W. A. Wakeham, RSC Publishing, (2014).
8. "Problems in Thermodynamics", The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2012).
7. "Thermophysical Properties Handbook (New Edition)", ed. Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties, Yokendo, Tokyo , (2008).
6. "Thermodynamics", The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2002).
5. "Optical Measuring Techniques for Thermophysical Properties" in Recent Development of Heat Transfer Engineering Vol. 3, Yokendo, Tokyo , (2000).
4. "Handbook of Laser Measurement Techniques", Maruzen, Tokyo , (1993).
3. "Thermophysical Properties Measurement Methods - Their development and engineering applications - ", ed. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Yokendo, Tokyo , (1991).
2. "Experimental Thermodynamics Vol. III: The Measurement of Transport Properties of Fluids", eds. W. A. Wakeham, A. Nagashima and J. V. Sengers, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, (1991).
1. "Thermophysical Properties Handbook", ed. Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties, Yokendo, Tokyo , (1990).
B. Refereed Journal Papers
146. Fujiura, K., Nakamoto, Y., Taguchi, Y., Ohmura, R. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermal conductivity measurements of semiclathrate hydrates and aqueous solutions of tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) and tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) by the transient hot-wire using parylene-coated probe", Fluid Phase Equilibria, 413, 129 - 136, (2016) doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2015.09.024.
145. Matsuura, H., Iwaasa, S. and Nagasaka, Y., "Mass Diffusion Coefficient and Soret Coefficient of o-Dichlorobenzene Solutions of PCBM and [60]Fullerene by the Soret Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 60(12), 3621 - 3630, (2015) doi:10.1021/acs.jced.5b00609.
144. Matoba, Y., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Micro optical diffusion sensor using a comb-driven micro Fresnel mirror", Opt. Express, 23, 477 - 483, (2015) doi:10.1364/OE.23.000477.
143. Takiguchi, H. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Measurement Technique for Viscosity and Surface Tension with Near-Infrared Laser-induced Capillary Wave - Theoretical Analysis of Uncertainties caused by the Temperature Dependence of Surface Tension and Experimental Verification of the Effect on the Temperature Dependence of Surface Tension with Decanol Aqueous Solution between Surface Heating and Volume Heating - ", Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties (Nestu Bussei), 29(2), 82 - 89, (2015).
142. Oya, A., Takiguchi, H. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of pulsed laser Viscometer (Development of automatic high-speed measuring apparatus for viscosity by near-infrared laser-induced capillary wave method)", Trans. JSME, 80(820), (2014) doi:10.1299/transjsme.2014tep0369.
141. Takagi, R., Tachikawa, S., Ohmura, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurement and Estimation of High-Vacuum Effective Thermal Conductivity of Polyimide Foam in the Temperature Range from 160 K to 370 K for Outer Space Applications", Int. J. Thermophys., 35(2), 277-286, (2014) doi:10.1007/s10765-014-1605-5.
140. Nishimura, Y., Hasegawa, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "High-precision instrument for measuring the surface tension, viscosity and surface viscoelasticity of liquids using ripplon surface laser-light scattering with tunable wavelength selection", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85, 044904, (2014).
139. Nitta, J., Taguchi, Y., Saiki, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Numerical analysis of the temperature dependence of near-field polarization for nanoscale thermometry using a triple-tapered near-field optical fiber probe", J. Opt. 16, 035001, (2014).
138. Nagatomi, T., Taguchi, Y., Ohmura, R. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermal Conductivity Measurement of TBAB Hydrate by the Transient Hot-Wire using Parylene-Coated Probe", Trans. JSME, B79(802), 1155-1163, (2013).
137. Ikeda, T., Ando, T., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Size effect of out-of-plane thermal conductivity of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films at room temperature measured by photothermal radiometry", J. Appl. Phys., 113, 183517, (2013).
136. Takiguchi, H. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Near-Infrared Laser-Induced Capillary Wave Method to Measure Viscosity and Surface Tension", Trans. JSME, B79(800), 690 - 700, (2013).
135. Fujii, T., Taguchi, Y., Saiki, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Near-field fluorescence thermometry using highly efficient triple-tapered near-field optical fiber probe", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 124901, 1-8, (2012).
134. Sakai, T., Hotta, J. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Measurement Technique for Mass Diffusion Coefficient of Methanol Aqueous Solutions in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cell by Soret Forced Rayleigh Scattering", Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties (Nestu Bussei), 26(4), 196 - 202, (2012).
133. Oka, T., Itani, K., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Interferometic Excitation Device for Micro Optical Diffusion Sensor Using Laser-Induced Dielectrophoresis", JMEMS, 21(2), 324 - 330, (2012).
132. Yamamoto, Y., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Study on Nanoscale Temperature Distribution for the Patterning of Self-Assembled Monolayers Using Near-Field Photothermal Desorption", J. Thermal Sci. and Tech., 6(3), 436-448., (2011).
131. Fujii, T., Taguchi, Y., Saiki, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "A Fusion-spliced Near-Field Optical Fiber Probe Using Photonic Crystal Fiber for Nanoscale Thermometry Based on Fluorescence-Lifetime Measurement of Quantum Dots", Sensors, 11(9), 8358-8369, (2011).
130. Nagano, H., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of a lightweight deployable/stowable radiator for interplanetary exploration", Applied Thermal Engineering, 31, 3322-3331, (2011).
129. Masuda, H., Nagano, H., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of a simultaneous measurement method for thermoelectric properties with a film-type thermocouple sensor", Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties (Nestu Bussei), 25(4), 187 - 193, (2011).
128. Itani, K., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Study on Micro Optical Diffusion Sensor U sing Laser-Induced Dielectrophoresis(Preliminary Experiment of Optical Detection System for Integrated Micro Optical Device)", Trans. JSME, B77(779), 1567 - 1577, (2011).
127. Muramoto, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "High-speed sensing of microliter-order whole- blood viscosity using laser-induced capillary wave", J. Biorheology, 25(1), 43 - 51, (2011).
126. Itani, K., Ebisui, A., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of a micro optical diffusion sensor using laser-induced dielectrophoretic manipulation", Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 39(5), 344 - 354, (2010).
125. Hosaka, S., Kasakake, T., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Nanoscale Temperature Measurement Method by Polarized Near-field Light", Trans. JSME, C76(768), 1926-1928, (2010).
124. Abe, H., Nagamachi, R., Taguchi, Y. Nagasaka, Y., "Feasibility study on real-time monitoring by miniaturized optical viscosity sensor", Trans. JSME, C76(768), 1923-1925, (2010).
123. Muramoto, Y., Takahashi, N., Kamata, N., Nagasaka, Y., "Development of High Speed Sensing Technique for Blood Viscosity with Micro-Liter Sample Volume", Trans. JSME, B76(768), 1290-1296, (2010).
122. Itani, K., Ebisui, A., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Micro Optical Diffusion Sensor using Laser Induced Dielectrophoretic Manipulation", Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties (Nestu Bussei), 23(4), 197-202, (2009).
121. Niwa, M., Ohta, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Mass Diffusion Coefficients of Cellulose Acetate Butyrate in Methyl Ethyl Ketone Solutions at Temperatures between (293 and 323) K and Mass Fractions from 0.05 to 0.60 Using the Soret Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 54, 2708-2714, (2009).
120. Taguchi, Y., Nagamachi, R. and Nagasaka, Y., "Micro Optical Viscosity Sensor for in situ Measurement Based on a Laser-Induced Capillary Wave", J. Thermal Sci. and Tech., 4(1), 99-108, (2009).
119. Taguchi, Y., Oka, T., Saiki, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Near-field Fluoresence Life-time Thermometry", Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 13(2), 77-87, (2009).
118. Oki, K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurements of anisotropic surface properties of liquid films of azobenzene derivatives", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 333(1-3), 182-186, (2009).
117. Nagano, H., Ohnishi, A., Higuchi, K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Experimental Investigation of A Passive Deployable/Stowable Radiator", J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 46(1), 185-190, (2009).
116. Motosuke, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Honami, S., "Time-Resolved and Micro-Scale Measurment ofThermal Property for Intermolecular Dynamics Using an Infrared Laser ", J. Thermal Sci. and Tech., 3(1), 124 - 132, (2008).
115. Motosuke, M. and Nagasaka, Y., "Real-Time Sensing of the Thermal Diffusivity for Dynamic Control of Anisotropic Heat Conduction of Liquid Crystals", Int. J. Thermophys, 29(6), 2025 - 2035, (2008).
114. Oki ,K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Dynamic Observation of the Behavior of the Surfaceof Liquid Films of Polymer-Organic Solvent System", Japan Journal of Chemical Engineering(Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu), 34(6), 587-593 (2008).
113. Oki, K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Advances in Ripplon Surface Laser-Light Scattering Measurement for Highly Viscous Polymer-Solvent System", Int. J. Thermophys., 1572-9567, (2008).
112. Taguchi, Y., Ebisui, A., and Nagasaka, Y., "Miniaturized optical viscosity sensor based on a laser-induced capillary wave", J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 10, 044008/1-6, (2008).
111. Iwashima, H. and Nagasaka, Y., "Experimental study on in-situ viscosity measurement of milk fermenting to yogurt by laser-induced capillary wave method", High Temperature-High Pressures, B-73(733), 51-60, (2008).
110. Jigami, T., Kobayashi, M., Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Nanoscale Temperature Measurement Techique Using Near-field Fluorescence", Int. J. Thermophys., 28(3), 968 - 979, (2008).
109. Nagasaka, Y. and Kobayashi, Y., "Effect of atmosphere on the surface tension and viscosity of molten LiNbO3 measured using the surface laser-light scattering method", J. Cryst. Growth, 307(1), (2007).
108. Iwashima, H., Yabui, K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Viscosity and Surface Tension Measurement by Laser-induced Capillary Wave Method (Development of Technique for Solving Inverse Problem)", Trans. JSME, B-73(733), 1892-1898, (2007).
107. Nagano , H., Nagasaka, Y., Ohnishi, A., Watanabe, K., Oikawa, Y. and Yamaguchi, K., "Design and Fabrication of a Passive Deployable/Stowable Radiator ", J. Aerospace, 2006-04-2038, 104-114, (2006).
106. Nagano, H., Ohnishi, A., Nagasaka and Nagashima, A., "Study on a Reversible Thermal Panel for Spacecraft (Detailed Design Based on Parametric Studies and Experimental Verification)", Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 35(7), 464-481, (2006).
105. Nagano , H., Ohnishi, A., Nagasaka, Y., Mori, Y. H. and Nagashima, A., " Proton Irradiation Effects on Thermophysical Properties of High-Thermal-Conductivity Graphite Sheet for Spacecraft Application", Int. J. Thermophys. , 27 (1), 114 - 125, (2006).
104. Nagano , H., Nagasaka, Y. and Ohnishi, A., " Simple Deployable Radiator with Autonomous Thermal Control Function", J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer (AIAA) , 20 (4), 856-864 (2006).
103. Yamamoto, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of the Soret Rayleigh Scattering Method for Measurement of Mass Diffusion Coefficient (2nd Report, Theoretical Analysis of Systematic Effect of Experimental Parameters)", Trans. JSME, B-72 (715), 715-722 (2006).
102. Yamamoto, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of the Soret Rayleigh Scattering Method for Measurement of Mass Diffusion Coefficient (1st Report, Development of the Measurement System and Measurement of the Fullerene in Solution)", Trans. JSME, B-72 (715), 709-714 (2006).
101. Oba, T., Kido, Yabui, K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Application of Laser-Induced Capillary Wave for A New Viscosity Measurement Method (Theory and Experimental Apparatus for Measuring Wide Range of Viscosity", Trans. JSME, B-72 (714), 428-433 (2006).
100. Motosuke, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagasihma, A., " Subsecond Measuring Technique for In-plane Thermal Diffusivity at Local Area by the Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method", Int. J. Thermophys. , 26 (4), 969 - 979, (2005).
99. Nagano , H., Ohnishi, A., Nagasaka, Y., Mori, Y. H. and Nagashima, A., " Study on a Reversible Thermal Panel for Spacecraft ", Trans. JSME, B-71 (712), 2897-2995 (2005).
98. Nagano , H., Ohnishi, A., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "A Reversible Thermal Panel for Spacecraft Thermal Control (Evaluation of Effectiveness and Reliability of New Autonomous Thermal Control Device)", Heat Transfer - Asian Research , 34 (5), 350 - 367 (2005).
97. Taguchi, Y., Horiguchi, Y., Kobayashi, M., Saiki, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurement Method for Nano-scale Thermophysical Properties Using Near-Field Optics (Application to Single-walled Carbon Nano-tubes)", Trans. JSME, B-71 (712), 168-174 (2005).
96. Oba, T., Kido, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., " Development of Laser-Induced Capillary Wave Method for Viscosity Measurement Using Pulsed Carbon Dioxide Laser", Int. J. Thermophys. , 25 (5), 1461 - 1474, (2004).
95. Nagano , H., Ohnishi, A., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Study on a Reversible Thermal Panel for Spacecraft (Evaluation of Efficiency and Reliability of New Autonomous Thermal Control Device)", Trans. JSME , B-70 (696), 2117-2125, (2004).
94. Taguchi, Y., Horiguchi, Y., Kobayashi, M., Saiki, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Development of Nanoscale thermal Properties Measurement Techniques by Using Near-Field Optics", JSME Int. J , Series B-47 (3), 483-489 (2004).
93. Sano, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Evaluation of the Thermophysical Properties of Functionally Graded Materials at High Temperatures by the Photothermal Radiometry", Trans. JSME , B-70 (695), 1849-1855, (2004).
92. Motosuke, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagasihma, A., "Measurement of Dynamically Changing Thermal Diffusivity by the Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method (measurement of gelation process)", Int. J. Thermophys. , 25 (2), 519 - 531, (2004).
91. Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Isotropically Enriched 28-Si Single Crystal by Dynamic Grating Radiometry", Int. J. Thermophys. , 25 (2), 459 - 472, (2004).
90. Shimazaki, K., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., " Development of Spectral Selective Multilayer Film for a Variable Emittance Device and Its Radiation Properties Measurements", Int. J. Thermophys., 24 (3), 757 - 769, (2003).
89. Shimazaki, K., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Computational design of solar reflection and far-infrared transmission films for a variable emittance device", Appl. Optics. , 42 (7), 1360 - 1366, (2003).
88. Fukuzawa, K., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "A Prediction of Thermal Radiative Properties of Multilayer Thermal Control Material Based upon Polyimide Film for Space Use", J. Japan Soc. Aeronautical and Space Science , 50 (579), 129 - 134, (2002).
87. Fukuzawa, K., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Total Hemispherical Emitance of Polyimide Films for Space Use in the Temperature Range from 173 to 700 K", Int. J. Thermophys. , 23 (1), 319 - 331, (2002).
86. Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of High-Conductivity Materials by means of Dynamic Grating Radiometry", Trans. JSME , B-68 (665), 194-200 (2002).
85. Nakazato, M., Suzuki, T., Nagasaka, Y., Abe, Y., Bellingeri, S. and Maizza, G. , "Diamond Synthesized by DC-Plasma CVD at High Gravity", Processing by Centrifugation (Ed. by Regel, L. L. and Wilcox, W. R.), 107 - 112, (2001).
84. Abe, Y., Bellingeri, S., Maizza, G., Ishizuka, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Suzuki, T., " Diamond Synthesis by High-Gravity D.C. Plasma CVD(HGCVD) with Active Control of the Substrate Temperature", Acta Astronomica, 48 (2-3), 121 - 127, (2001).
83. Shimazaki, K., Tachikawa, S., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Design of Thermal Radiative Properties of Multilayer Films on a Variable Emittance Radiator", SAE 2001 Transactions, J. Aerospace , Section 1 - Vol.110, 106 - 114 , (2001).
82. Nagasaka, Y., Sato, T. and Ushiku, T., "Non-destructive evaluation of thermal diffusivity distribution of functionally graded materials by the photothermal radiometry", Meas. Sci. Technol. , 12 , 2081 - 2088, (2001).
81. Nagano , H., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermophysical Properties of a High Thermal Conductivity Graphite Sheet for Spacecraft Thermal Design", J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer (AIAA) , 15 (3), 347 - 353, (2001).
80. Kumasaka, N. and Nagasaka, Y., "Equilibrium molecular dynamics calculation of the transport properties of HFC-134a", High Temperatures - High Pressures , 33 , 311 - 317, (2001).
79. Nagano , H., Kato, H., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity of Graphite Sheet at Low Temperatures", High Temperatures - High Pressures , 33 , 253 - 259, (2001).
78. Taguchi, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of High-Conductivity Materials by Dynamic Grating Radiometry", Int. J. Thermophys. , 22 (1), 289 - 299, (2001).
77. Nagano, H., Kato, H., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurement of the Thermal Diffusivity of an Anisotropic Graphite Sheet Using a Laser-Heating AC Calorimetric Method", Int. J. Thermophys. , 22 (1), 301 - 312, (2001).
76. Shimazaki, K., Tachikawa, S., Ohnishi, A. and Nagasaka, Y., "Temperature dependence of total hemispherical emittance in perovskite-type manganese oxides, La 1-x Sr x MnO 3 ", High Temperatures - High Pressures, 33, 525 -531, (2001).
75. Assael, M. J., Leipertz, A., MacPherson, E., Nagasaka, Y., Nieto de Castro, C. A., Perkins, R. A., Strom, K., Vogel, E. and Wakeham, W. A., "Transport Property Measurements on the IUPAC Sample of 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane(R134a)", Int. J. Thermophys. , 21 (1), 1 - 22, (2000).
74. Gao, X., Assael, M. J., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Prediction of the Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Binary and Ternary HFC Refrigerant Mixtures", Int. J. Thermophys. , 21 (1), 23 - 34, (2000).
73. Ohnishi, M. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurement of surface tension and viscosity of molten lithium niobate by the surface laser-light scattering method", High Temperatures - High Pressures , 32 , 103 - 108, (2000).
72. Ramires, M. L. V., Nieto de Castro C. A., Perkins, R. A., Nagasaka, Y., Nagashima, A., Assael, M. J., Wakeham, W. A., "eference Data for the Thermal Conductivity of Sturated Liquid Toluene Over a Wide Range of Temperatures", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data , 29 (2), 133 - 139, (2000).
71. Gao, X., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal Conductivity of Ternary Refrigerant Mixtures of HFC-32/125/134a in the Liquid Phase", Int. J. Thermophys. , 20 (5), 1417 - 1424, (1999).
70. Gao, X., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal Conductivity of Binary Refrigerant Mixtures of HFC-32/125 and HFC-32/134a in the Liquid Phase", Int. J. Thermophys. , 20 (5), 1403 - 1415, (1999).
69. Honda, N. and Nagasaka, Y., "Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Silicon by the Gibbs Ensemble Simulation", Int. J. Thermophys. , 20 (3), 837 - 846, (1999).
68. Nagasaka, Y., "Thermophysical Properties Measurement of Liquids and Solids by Photoacoustic and Photothermal Techniques", Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena: 10th International Conference, ed. by F. Scuudieri and M. Bertolitti, pp. 289 - 294., AIP., (1999).
67. Gao, X., Nagasaka, Y., and Nagashima, A., "Thermal Conductivity of HFC-32, HFC-125 and HFC-134a in the Solid Phase", Int. J. Thermophys. , 19 (2), 415 - 425, (1998).
66. Horikoshi, R., Nagasaka, Y., and Ohnishi, A., "A Calculating Method for Thermal Radiation Property of Multi-layer Film from Optical Constant ", Int. J. Thermophys. , 19(2), 547-555, (1998).
65. Kawasaki , K., Watanabe, K. and Nagasaka, Y., "Measurement of the surface tension of molten silicon by the use of ripplon", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 30 , 91-96, (1998).
64. Otsubo, S., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental Study on the Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method using CO 2 Laser (3rd Report, Measurement of Molten Single Carbonates and Their Binary and Ternary Mixtures)", Trans. JSME , B-64 (619), 158 - 165, (1998).
63. Otsubo, S., Ibata, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental Study on the Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method using CO 2 Laser (2nd Report, Investigation of Error Factors due to Free-Surface Heating Technique)", Trans. JSME , B-64 (617), 182 - 187, (1998).
62. Abe, Y., Maizza, G., Sone, N., Nagasaka, Y. and Suzuki, T., "A High Gravity Chemical Vapor Deposition Apparatus", Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 68 (11), 4225 - 4231, (1997).
61. Abe, Y., Maizza, G., Rouch, H., Sone, N. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thin Film Production under Elevated Gravity Condition", Centrifugal Material Processing (Ed. by Regel, L. L. and Wilcox, W. R.), 229 - 245, (1997).
60. Otsubo, S., Nozaki, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental Study of the Thermal Diffusivity of Molten Carbonates by the Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method with a Carbon Dioxide Laser", High Temperatures - High Pressures , 29 , 201 - 206, (1997).
59. Gao, X., Nomura, K., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity of mixtures of HFC-32 and HFC-125 in the liquid phase", High Temp.-High Press. , 29 , 39 - 44, (1997).
58. Hayashida, K. and Nagasaka, Y, "Measurement of Mutual Diffusion Coefficient by the Soret Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method (1st Report, Examination of the Method and Measurement of Polymer Solutions)" Trans. JSME , B-63 (610), 276 - 281, (1997).
57. Ramires, M. L. V., Nieto de Castro C. A., Perkins, R. A., Nagasaka, Y., Nagashima, A., Assael, M. J. and Wakeham, W. A., "Standard Reference Data for the Thermal Conductivity of Toluene Over a Wide Range of Temperature", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data , 24(3) , 1377 - 1381, (1995).
56. Gao, X., Yamada, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "The thermal Conductivity of CFC Alternatives HFC-125 and HCFC-141b in the Liquid Phase", Int. J. Thermophys. , 17 (2), 279 - 292, (1996).
55. Gao, X., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity of HFC-134a in the solid phase", Netsu Bussei , 9 (4), 219 - 223, (1995).
54. Nishio, T. and Nagasaka, Y., "Simultaneous Measurement of Surface Tension and Kinematic Viscosity Using Thermal Fluctuations", Int. J. Thermophys. , 16 -5, 1087 - 1097, (1995).
53. Assael, M. J., Nagasaka, Y., Nieto de Castro, C. A., Perkins, R. A., Strom, K., Vogel, E. and Wakeham, W. A. , "Status of the Round Robin on the Transport Properties of R134a", Int. J. Thermophys. , 16 -1, 63 - 78, (1995).
52. Ramires, M. L. V., Nieto de Castro, C. A., Nagasaka, Y., Nagashima, A., Assael, M. J. and Wakeham, W. A., "Standard Reference Data for the Thermal Conductivity of Water", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data , 24 (3), 1377 - 1381, (1995).
51. Kikuchi, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Transport properties of environmentally relevant fluids: thermal conductivity of refrigerants", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 26 , 683 - 689, (1994).
50. Akabori, M., Sawajiri, O. and Nagasaka, Y., "Thermal diffusivity of thin films on substrate by the photoacoustic method : sputtered Ti and Zr thin films", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 25 , 411 -415, (1993).
49. Yamada, T., Yaguchi, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity of toluene in the temperature range from 193 K to 453 K", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 25 , 513 - 518, (1993).
48. Kobayashi, Y., Ueno, Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "The thermal conductivity of CFC alternatives HCFC-123 and HFC-134a in the liquid phase", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 25 , 253 - 257, (1993).
47. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, Y., "Corresponding states correlation for the thermal conductivity of molten alkali halides", Int. J. Thermophys. , 14 (4), 923 - 936, (1993).
46. Matsuo, Y. and Nagasaka, Y., "Simultaneous measurement of surface tension and kinematic viscosity using thermal fluctuations (1st report: Examination of the surface laser-light scattering method)", Trans. JSME , B-59 (560), 1187 - 1193, (1993).
45. Shimizu Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental study on the forced Rayleigh scattering method using CO 2 laser (1st report: Development of the free-surface-heating technique and preliminary measurement of molten salts)", Trans. JSME , B-58 (556), 3703 - 3708, (1992).
44. Nakazawa, N., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental determination of the thermal diffusivity of molten alkali halides by the forced Rayleigh scattering method. III. Molten NaI, KI, RbI, and CsI", Int. J. Thermophys. , 13 (5), 763 - 772, (1992).
43. Nakazawa, N., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental determination of the thermal diffusivity of molten alkali halides by the forced Rayleigh scattering method. II. Molten NaBr, KBr, RbBr, and CsBr", Int. J. Thermophys. , 13 (5), 753 - 762, (1992).
42. Nagasaka, Y., Nakazawa, N. and Nagashima, A., "Experimental determination of the thermal diffusivity of molten alkali halides by the forced Rayleigh scattering method. I. Molten LiCl, NaCl, KCl, RbCl, and CsCl", Int. J. Thermophys. , 13 (4), 555 - 574, (1992).
41. Akabori, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of thin films on substrate by the photoacoustic method", Int. J. Thermophys. , 13 (3),499 - 514, (1992).
40. Nagasaka, Y., "Forced Rayleigh scattering method", Netsu Bussei , 5 (3), 174 - 183, (1991).
39. Ueno, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity of CFC alternatives (Measurements of HCFC-123 and HFC-134a in the liquid phase by the transient hot-wire method)", Trans. JSME , B-57 (541), 3169 - 3175, (1991).
38. Akabori, M., Miyagi, S., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A.,"Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of thin film on substrate by the photoacoustic method (1st report: Examination of the method and measurement of metal thin foils)", Trans. JSME , B-57 (541), 3184 - 3190, (1991).
37. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "The thermal conductivity of molten NaNO 3 and KNO 3 ", Int. J. Thermophys ., 12 (5), 769 - 781, (1991).
36. Nakazawa, N., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal conductivity of molten salts by the forced Rayleigh scattering method", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 23 , 595 - 604, (1991).
35. Nakazawa, N., Akabori, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of molten salts by the forced Rayleigh scattering method (Measurement of molten alkali chlorides at temperatures above 1000 C), Trans. JSME , B-56 (525), 1467-1474, (1990).
34. Kitade, S., Kobayashi, Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity measurement of molten salts by the transient hot-wire method (2nd report: Measurements of molten NaNO 3 and KNO 3 using ceramic-coated probes), Trans. JSME ., B-55 (516), 2411-2416, (1989).
33. Nagasaka, Y., Hiraiwa, H., Kawai, H. and Nagashima, A., "The thermal conductivity of liquid D 2 O at pressures up to 40 MPa", Proc. 2nd Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference , 195-199, (1989).
32. Kitade, S., Kobayashi, Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal conductivity of molten KNO 3 and NaNO 3 by the transient hot-wire method with ceramic-coated probes", High Temperatures-High Pressures , 21 , 219-224, (1989).
31. Nagasaka, Y., Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of molten KCl up to 1000 ?C by the forced Rayleigh scattering method", Int. J. Thermophys. , 9 (6), 923-931, (1988).
30. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measuremenet of the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the forced Rayleigh scattering method", Proc. 1st KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Eng. Conf. , Vol.1, 1-6, (1988).
29. Kawamata, K., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal conductivity of aqueous LiBr solutions pressures up to 40 MPa", Int. J. Thermophys. , 9 (3), 317-329, (1988).
28. Nagasaka, Y., Hatakeyama, T., Okuda, M. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the forced Rayleigh scattering method : Theory and experiment", Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 59 (7), 1156-1168, (1988).
27. Hatakeyama, T., Miyahashi, Y., Okuda, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the forced Rayleigh scattering method (3rd report: Measurement of molten salts)", Trans. JSME , B-54 (501), 1131-1137, (1988).
26. Takahashi, Y., Kamimoto, M., Abe, Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Heat capacity, heat of transition, and thermal conductivity of pentaerythritol and its slurry", Netsu Bussei , 2 (1), 53-58, (1988).
25. Nagasaka, Y., Hatakeyama, T. and Nagashima A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the forced Rayleigh scattering method (2nd report: Analysis of error factors)", Trans. JSME, B-53 (492), 2545-2553, (1987).
24. Hatakeyama, T., Kadoya, K., Okuda, M., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the forced Rayleigh scattering method (1st report: Examination of the method and measurements on some liquids including toluene), Trans. JSME , B-53 (489), 1590-1597, (1987).
23. Hatakeyama, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the forced Rayleigh scattering method", Proc. ASME.JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conf. , Vol.4, 311-317, (1987).
22. Nagasaka, Y., Suzuki, J. and Nagashima, A., "The thermal conductivity of aqueous KCl solutions at pressures up to 40 MPa", Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Properties of Steam , Vol.2, 203-209, (1986).
21. Nagasaka, Y., Kamimoto, M., Abe, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermophysical properties measurements on pentaerythritol and related thermal storage materials II. Measurement of thermal conductivity by the transient hot-wire method", Proc. 1st Asian Thermophysical Properties Conf. , 207-212, (1986).
20. Karasawa, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity measurement of molten salts by the transient hot-wire method (1st report: Construction of probe and preliminary measurement of molten KNO 3 ", Trans. JSME , B-52 (474), 940-945, (1986).
19. Wada, Y., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement and correlation of the thermal conductivity of liquid n-paraffin hydrocarbons and their binary and ternary mixtures", Int. J. Thermophys ., 6 (3), 251-265, (1985).
18. Kawaguchi , N., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Fully automated apparatus to measure the thermal conductivity of liquids by the transient hot-wire method", Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 56 (9), 1788-1794, (1985).
17. Wada, S., Takano, T., Kawaguchi , N., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement and correlation of the thermal conductivity of liquid paraffin hydrocarbons and their mixtures", Trans. JSME , B-51 (463), 1010-1016, (1985).
16. Nagasaka, Y., Okada, H., Suzuki, J. and Nagashima, A., "Precise measurement of the thermal conductivity of liquids (3rd report: Measurement of aqueous NaCl solutions under high pressure)", Trans. JSME , B-50 (451), 690-697, (1984).
15. Nagasaka, Y., Okada, H., Suzuki, J. and Nagashima, A., "Absolute measurement of the thermal conductivity of aqueous NaCl solutions at pressures up to 40 MPa", Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. , 87 (10), 859-866,(1983).
14. Omotani, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Thermal conductivity measurement of the potassium nitrate-sodium nitrate system using a transient metod with a liquid-metal probe", THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 17, 251-256 (Plenum), (1983).
13. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Absolute measurement of the thermal conductivity of electrically conducting liquids by the transient hot-wire method (Thermal conductivity of an aqueous NaCl solution at high pressure)", THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 17, 307-314 (Plenum), (1983).
12. Kestin, J., Ro, S. T. and Nagasaka, Y., "The thermal conductivity of mixtures of methane with carbon dioxide", Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. , 86 , 945-948, (1982).
11. Omotani, T., Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Measurement of the thermal conductivity of KNO 3 -NaNO 3 mixtures using a transient hot-wire method with a liquid metal in a capillary probe", Int. J. Thermophys. , 3 (1), 17-26, (1982).
10. Kestin, J., Nagasaka, Y. and Wakeham, W. A., "The thermal conductivity of mixtures of nitrogen with methane ", Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. , 86 , 632-636, (1982).
9. Kestin, J., Nagasaka, Y. and Wakeham, W. A., "The thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide with three noble gases", Physica , 113A, 1-26, (1982).
8. Fleeter, R., Kestin, J., Nagasaka, Y., Shankland, I. R. and Wakeham, W. A., "The thermal conductivity of mixtures of methane with argon and neon", Physica , 111A , 404-422, (1982).
7. Kestin, J., Nagasaka, Y. and Wakeham, W. A., "The thermal conductivity of mixtures of hydrogen with nitrogen", Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. , 86 , 187-191, (1982).
6. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Absolute measurement of the thermal conductivity of electrically conducting liquids by the transient hot-wire method", J. Phys. E : Sci. Instrum., 14 (12), 1435-1440, (1981).
5. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Precise measurement of the thermal conductivity of toluene and n-heptane by the absolute transient hot-wire method", Ind. Eng. Chem, Fundam. , 20 (3), 216-220, (1981).
4. Tanishita, K., Nagasaka, Y., Nagashima, A., Yamaguchi, T. and Sugawara, M., "Measurement of the thermal conductivity of blood by the transient hot-wire method", Trans. JSME , B-47 (421), 1784-1791,(1981).
3. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Precise measurement of the thermal conductivity of liquids (2nd report: Absolute measurement of the electrically conducting liquids by the transient hot-wire method", Trans. JSME , B-47 (419), 1323-1331, (1981).
2. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Precise measurement of the thermal conductivity of liquids (1st report: Measurement of toluene by the transient hot-wire method", Trans. JSME , B-47 (417), 821-829, (1981).
1. Nagasaka, Y. and Nagashima, A., "Simultaneous measurement of the thermal conductivity and the thermal diffusivity of liquids by the transient hot-wire method", Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 52 (2), 229-232, (1981).
Recent Invited Lectures
36. "Nanoscale Thermal Conductivity Sensing: A Tool for Phonon Spectroscopy", The 63rd Spring Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo, Japan, March, 22 (2016).
35. "Nano and Microscale Thermophysical Properties Sensing by Light Scattering Techniques", International Colloquium on the Occasion of the Retirement of Prof. Leipertz, Erlangen, Germany, September, 19 (2014).
34. "Possibility of Detection of Nanobubbles in Water by Observing Thermally Excited Capillary Waves(Accurate instrument for measuring the surface tension, viscosity and surface viscoelasticity of liquids using ripplon surface laser-light scattering with tunable wavelength selection)", 8th US-Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, July, 15 (2014).
33. "Nano-Micro Thermophysical Properties Sensing Engineering and Its Applications", 10th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Jeju, Korea, September, 30 (2014).
32. "Thermophysical Properties Research - Fascinated by Science and Engineering of Transport of Energy, Momentum and Mass", 5th Workshop of Thermal Engineering Division, JSME, Shonan, Japan, November, 4 (2012).
31. "Nano-Micro Thermophysical Properties Sensing Science and Engineering" (Keynote), 12th Conference of Korean Society of Thermophysical Properties (KSTP), Jeju, Korea, April, 5 (2012).
30. "Nano/Micro Thermophysical Properties Sensing Science and Engineering" (Keynote), Japan/U.S. Joint Seminar, Nanoscale Transport Phenomena -Science and Engineering-, Shima, Japan, November, 12 (2011).
29. "Nano/Micro thermophysical properties sensing engineering and its applications" (Invited), 19th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Thessaloniki, Greece, August, 29 (2011).
28. "From Measurement To Sensing : New Frontiers of Micro and Nano-Scale Thermophysical Properties Research" (Keynote), 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC2010), Beijing, China, October, 22 (2010).
27. "From measurement to sensing: New frontiers of micro and nano-scale transport properties research" (Invited), Symposium on Thermophysical Properties of Fluids: In Honour of Professor Sir William Wakeham, Turcifal, Portugal, October, 3 (2009).
26. "Nano-Micro Level Thermophysical Properties Sensing Techniques and Their Applications : Microscale Mass Diffusion Sensing of Multi-component Polymer Solutions by Soret Forced Rayleigh Scattering" (Invited), 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Leuven, Belgium, July, 21 (2009).
25. "Micro and Nanoscale Thermophysical Properties Sensing Techniques and Their Application" (Invited), The 25th Sensor Symposium 2008, Okinawa, Japan, October, 23 (2008).
24. "Microscale Mass Diffusion Sensing of Polymer Solutions Using Soret Forced Rayleigh Scattering" (Invited), 2nd Integration & Commercialization of Micro & Nanosystems International Conference & Exhibition, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (HKUST), June, 4 (2008).
23. "Basics of Thermophysical Properties", The 123rd Symposium of Technical Committee on Temperature Measurement: The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Taiyo Nippon Sanso, Tokyo, July, 27 (2007).
22. "New Frontiers of Micro and Nano-Scale Thermophysical Properties Sensing" (Keynote), 2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July, 10 (2007).
21. "Development of Innovative Nano-Micro Level Thermophysical Properties Sensing Techniques and Their Applications", Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, December, 1 (2006).
20. "Surface properties sensing by ripplon and laser-induced capillary wave", Spectroscopical Society of Japan, Riken, Wako, December, 8 (2006).
19. "Micro/Nano-scale Thermophysical Properties Sensing", Colloquium on Micro/Nano Thermal Engineering 2006, Seoul National University , Korea , August, 2 (2006).
18. "Evaluation of Figure of Merit of Submicron Bi2Te3 Thin Films (Application of photothermal radiometry for thermal conductivity measurement of sputtered and pulsed laser deposited films)", Korean Society of Thermophysical Properties Symposium 6, Seoul , Korea , April, 27 (2006).
17. "Application of micro and nano-scale thermophysical properties sensing for novel fluids and solids" (Plenary), 17th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Plenary Lecture, Bratislava, Slovakia, September, 7 (2005).
16. "Do We Need Thermophysical Properties in Nano/Microscale", US-Japan Seminar : Nanotherm : Nanoscale Thermal Science and Engineering, Berkeley , USA , June, 24 (2002).
15. "Thermophysical Properties Measurement of Liquids and Solids by Photothermal Techniques", 6th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Guwahati , India , November 10, (2001).
14. "Thermal Control Techniques for Space and Thermophysical Properties Measurement", Space Infrastructure Study Group, NASDA, Tokyo , February, 28 (2001).
13. "Frontiers of Thermophysical Properties Measurement using Photothermal Effects", Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, December, 6 (2000).
12. "Not for property itself, but for design and control", 15th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Workshop "Major Challenges for Fluids Transport Property Research in the Next Century", Wurzburg, Germany, September, 6 (1999).
11. "Thermophysical Properties of High-Temperature Melts and Solids", 19th Meeting of the Subcommittee on Transport Properties of IUPAC Commission I.2 Thermodynamics, Erlangen , Germany , September, 3 (1999).
10. International Symposium on Thermophysical Properties of Functional Micro-Materials, "Applications of Various Photothermal Techniques to Measure Thermophysical Properties of Functional Materials", Nagoya University , Nagoya , February, 23 (1999).
9. "Suppression of metabolism by the structured water and observation of relaxation phenomena on surface properties", Joint Symposium on Thermal Problems in the Bio-food process Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, January, 22 (1999).
8. "Thermophysical Properties Measurement of Liquids and Solids by Photothermal Techniques", 2nd ICRS International Symposium, Tohoku University , Sendai , December, 10 (1998).
7. "Determination of the Thermal Diffusivity Distribution of Functionally Graded Materials (Ni/ZrO 2 ) by the Photothermal Radiometry", 5th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Seoul , August, 30 (1988).
6. "Thermophysical Properties Measurement of Liquids and Solids by Photoacoustic and Photothermal Techniques", 10th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Rome , Italy , August, 23 (1998).
5. "Current Research Activities in Keio University (Research Laboratory for Thermophysics and Heat and Mass Transfer", Colorado School of Mines , USA , June, 23 (1997).
4. "Fluctuation, Light, Sound and Thermophysical Properties Measurement", Hokkaido University , Sapporo , December, 18 (1995).
3. "Thermophysical Properties Research and Microgravity", IN SPACE:95, Tokyo , November, 17, (1995).
2. "New Optical Methods to Measure Thermophysical Properties", Seoul National University , November 17-20, (1994).
1. "Thermophysical Properties of Molten Materials", Workshop on Thermophysical Properties of High Temperature Molten Materials, 13th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, , Lisboa, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, (1993).
Conference Papers (International and Domestic)
514 Papers (not listed)

Reviews and Article Papers (International and Domestic)
74 Papers (not listed)